UI/UX Designer

Jun's fascination with digital realms took root at the tender age of seven, ignited by the captivating universe unfolding behind the 3.5-inch screen of an iPod. Through the conduit of an Internet cable, this small portal offered Jun a glimpse into the vast expanse of the world beyond his immediate surroundings. At that time, he still had much to learn, carrying only a faint recollection of the inventor behind the small screen's words: "Life can be much broader."

Followed his fascination, he traveled 10K Kilometers to Melbourne and learnt product design for his undergrad and master. It was not until 2020 that he finally understood what it means for Steve Jobs’s quote “Life can be much broader”. This realization led him to explore various roles—landscape designer, writer, marketer, and engineer—each offering him a different perspective and deepening his understanding of the world. He now views digital product design as a way for him to show his appreciation for things around him.

🕋 Spatial Design
📸 Photography

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UI/UX Designer

Jun's fascination with digital realms took root at the tender age of seven, ignited by the captivating universe unfolding behind the 3.5-inch screen of an iPod. Through the conduit of an Internet cable, this small portal offered Jun a glimpse into the vast expanse of the world beyond his immediate surroundings. At that time, he still had much to learn, carrying only a faint recollection of the inventor behind the small screen's words: "Life can be much broader."

Followed his fascination, he traveled 10K Kilometers to Melbourne and learnt product design for his undergrad and master. It was not until 2020 that he finally understood what it means for Steve Jobs’s quote “Life can be much broader”. This realization led him to explore various roles—landscape designer, writer, marketer, and engineer—each offering him a different perspective and deepening his understanding of the world. He now views digital product design as a way for him to show his appreciation for things around him.

What He Believes
1. Autonomy
2. Choice 
3. Others
4. Progress

Things He Has Done: HMI Design Intern @ Yanfeng Visteon
Landscape Architecture Designer @ CSCEC
Writer for New York Times for Kids: China
Marketing Intern @ LinkedIn
Co-Founder & Product Owner @ Pooling
Research Software Engineer Intern @ WEHI

🕋 Spatial Design
📸 Photography
✏️ Writings

📑 Resume
📩 Email
📡 LinkedIn
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01 Pooling
Research Participant Recruitment Platform

A SaaS product from my startup project. Aiming connecting researchers with potential participants for research projects. Project joined Microsoft Founders Hub and received a sponsorshop worth $USD200K.

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💾 UI/UX 

02 Glucope
WebApp for Diabete Management

Responsive Web App for Diabete Management. The app let patients record health data, enabling remote health monitoring for chronic health issues.

Design was implmented and received first class honor for the subject

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03 Nook House

Student work for Design Studio Gamma, a residential housing project on designing a terrace house in Melbourne Inner Suburb to adapt to the densified living mode in modern city.

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🕋 Spatial

©️ Jiuyu Zhu